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Showing posts from August, 2014

Me and Coffee

I am not saying I am addicted to coffee..but I really love coffee, I mean the real original coffee; freshly brewed is my no 1 favourite, while 3in1 kind of coffee is my least pick up. I don't remember since when but I am sooo into's like whenever I see someone drinking coffee either before my very eyes, or on tv, I'll drooled and get my cup of coffee sooner or later. But I realized maybe I was more influenced by the acting of drinking-coffee in films or dramas. They drink is so casually and in style making it so hard for me to resist the temptation. Ooh please.. -_- And I soo can't resist a white mug with freshly brewed coffee with a little milk added. Emmmm it tastes heaven ^_________^ It's my dream to taste all coffee in the world. Once my father had a coffee farm but had to cut them all for lack of maintenance. What a pity, now that I am one of the coffee lovers in the world, if I were during those times, I might look for ways to help maint...

Cerita Semasa Cuti Raya 2014

This happened last month. Seriously, saya rasa m.a.l.a.s. betul mau update blog lepas cuti hari tu. Tapi macam sayang pula kalau tidak buat entry. Ba palan-palan la tengok gambar ah. Alkisahnya kami balik kampung pda hari Sabtu pagi. Singgah kejap di Kinabalu Park untuk lunch. Hehe walaupun saya orang Ranau tapi belum pernah lagi singgah makan di dalam National Park ni. Walaupun kami tau makanan sini MAHAL -_- tapi sebenarnya mau jalan-jalan juga ba tu. Jarang kan dapat jalan-jalan sebab komitmen kerja. Abaikan orang belakang..hoho..sekali pandang macam d oversea pun ada >_< Sekali lagi abaikan orang belakang..hikhik Sampai di kampung lebih kurang pukul 2pm..terharu nampak gerai mama mula beroperasi sudah. Sikit-sikit lama-lama jadi bukit ba kan. Jual-jual.. Duriannnnn!! Yuhuuuu..dan memang kenyang makan durian selama di kampung..sedap dan free! hoho Pandangan depan..sebelah kiri tu ada ruang sayur-sayuran buka...