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Showing posts from 2015

UPT Positive on 25.07.15

Memang lama betul entry ni tertangguh. Yep yep i am officially pregnant.  Jom kita cerita-cerita..mulanya macam ni.. ■ HAID LAMBAT Saya last period 16Jun..abis dalam 22Jun macam tu. Sepatutnya dalam 13 atau 15hb July period datang sebab cycle saya teratur setiap bulan..Ada jg la kdg2 tidak teratur tp atas sebab stress mcm tu ja. Sebelum ni pernah lambat period sampai 10 hari jadi saya tidak berapa kisah kali ni lambat lagi. Tergerak juga buat upt test tapi sebelum ni pernah try 2x tapi dua2 negatif..jadi kali ni slow & steady ja dulu. ■ PERUT KEMBUNG & BERANGIN Saya ada sikit hairan kali ni sebab perut tiba2 kembung (keras) & berangin..kalau kena tekan memang sakit. Lepas tu ada sakit belakang macam biasa berlaku a day before period tapi kali ni period tidak datang2. Kalau buang air, macam angin ja keluar dari punggung ■ SAKIT DI SEKITAR PAYUDARA & BERUBAH WARNA Yg ni sakit di nipple sana..ada dalam 1 minggu sakit macam tu..tapi saya tidak kisah ...

Jom Travel!

I will. Surely I will. Ya jom ba pigi travel. Tutup mata ja. Theoretically. Banyak-banyak buat research. Saving sebanyak-banyak mungkin tak kira la kecik yg bunyi ding dong tu atau kressh kressh duit kertas. PRIORITY. If you let another day go by without chasing after what you want in life, then maybe you don't want it as bad as you think -  Glo on The Blog Abroad Baca inspiring blog ni: The Blog Abroad Untuk menabung pula, baca tips dalam article ni. Gila-giva punya saving, tapi mcm sa cakap tadi PRIORITY. Mau atau tidak mau ja. The-Biggest-List-of-Money-Saving-Tips-on-the-Web So siapa-siapa ada minat mau travel macam saya ni, sama-sama kita berusaha yaa..jangan malas-malas & cari alasan utk penuhi dream kita :) :)

First Time on Pap Smear Test

Saya baru-baru ja tau ni pap smear test adalah wajib dilakukan oleh semua wanita yg sudah berkahwin ( atau yg sexually active ) untuk check manatau ada sel-sel kanser atau jangkitan etc dalam serviks/rahim sana..Setiap tahun kena buat, atau setiap 6 bulan ikut nasihat doktor. Saya call klinik swasta & kerajaan dulu; kalau gov byr rm1 ja untuk registration, tapi kalau fully swasta mau dekat-dekat rm100. Jadi saya ambik keputusan pg try di klinik Luyang. Saya ambik satu hari cuti untuk pg sana, tapi sayangnya tidak dapat buat test sebab my period sudah lebih 15 hari. Syarat asas untuk buat test ni ialah mcm di bawah ni: 1. 10-15 hari selepas period. 2. Tiada hubungan seksual selama 24 jam sebelum test. Jadi, saya tunggu la ni next period. Lepas tu, ngam-ngam saya pg breakfast d McD Api-Api Centre dgn hubby kemarin, saya nampak klinik Nur Sejahtera (LPPKN) then terus pg tanya kalau ada pap smear test. Syukurla ada dengan charge Rm20, tapi kalau mau pakej extra RM25 bleh...

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Hello mellow..lamanya baru tertunai post ni.. So ini adalah summary utk short company trip ke Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam  on 21st - 24th May 2015. Ada good and bad, ada kejadian yg tidak disangka berlaku dan melibatkan yours truly. Utk trip ni kami diuruskan oleh Al-Quds Agency. Ba palan-palan baca..Timeline di bawah ni ialah local Vietnam time. 21st May 2015 (Thu) Itinerary: 0600 am - Arrived at terminal 2, KKIA airport. Pigi minum kupi pekat d Orange. 0710 am - Depart to KLIA2 via AK5135. Ingatkan travel agent ada bagi makan in flight, rupanya   tarak..dalam briefing ada pla dorg cakap. 0940 am - Arrived at KLIA2. Semasa dalam flight, kami kena bagitau ada 5 org punya beg tertinggal d KK airport. Rupanya one of the bags was mine! Macam lain-lain sudah mood masa tu. Tapi tu agent cakap akan diusahakan sampai arini juga d Vietnam. Rupanya beg-beg tu kena angkut keluar dari kargo sebab kena check in on our colleagues names yg d KL. Tp the tour agent cakap sudah ...

Vacay Mode On!

Its tomorrow. We are going to Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam tomorrow. We - 44 of us because its a company trip. But its ok, bcos most of us are still 'young'. Hehe So, we'll be there for 4D3N only la..tapi semua kena tanggung inc pocket money, but those who want to shop more bawa duit sendiri la.. Tunggu update next week. Wiuwiuwiuu.. Tak sabar balik rumah packing and go airport tomorrow! Huahuahua. God protect & bless our journey.

Blessing in Disguise?

I love Trip Advisor. Thus I always do reviews on the places i've been to either it was good or so-so like this one.  Remember my post  1week Sabah tour  few months ago? It was in Semporna, formerly known as Tampi-Tampi Resort but now it was Scuba Tig3r...I didnt say much about the resort in that post but I wrote quite 'honest' review on the Trip Advisor website.. So here it was... Unsurprisingly (though I didnt expect them to reply), I got their reply... So shud I go? This time can bring my hubby also..haha P/S: There was quite recent review on the resort and the reviewer gave 5 star..which means the service there might has improved a lot. So if any of you wanna go, please go without hesitation..I might go again, one day..but maybe dont want to use this privilege bcos I wanna experience their improved services without them knowing who i am. And then I will give another review, that time should be better. Hopefully. :)


Teringin mau cakap-cakap ja ni. Tiada juga tajuk khas, tidak juga mau merepek la. Mau keluarkan idea-idea yang terkumpul dalam kepala ja. Sa sangat-sangat berminat mau buat investment ni. 1st terfikir mau invest in property, meaning to say in conventional way iaitu beli apartment lepas tu kasi sewa. Fikir apartment ja dulu sebab itu ja paling murah..kalau mau beli commercial lot mau juta juga tu..mana mau cari deposit ratus-ratus ribu..ngerrr..setakat ni sa tuntut ilmu melalui blog  ja..ada juga dia punya online courses 'Property Method' tapi mau enroll kena byar jadi sa ikut yg free dulu la..lagipun sa pasti hubby familiar juga pasal ni cuma dalam 3 tahun ni mau clear debts dulu..jadi tunggu dulu la..lepas dapat invest conventionally mungkin baru fikir pasal invest bukan mau kaya ba ni, cuma preparing utk retirement yg agak selesa..God will surely open the way! :) Sekarang ni famous betul tu kedai boxes, maksudnya owner kedai sediakan ruang almar...

Beautiful Saturday @ Borneo Paradise, Kinarut Sabah

It was a beautiful Saturday morning. My company was having family day & annual dinner at Borneo Paradise (BP), Kinarut, Sabah. I've been here twice. But this time was special because I got the chance to walk across the sea. Oh yeah across the sea, because it was very low tide thus we almost made it to the nearby island!  I think the sand was much beautiful. Lols. See see..It was so good! In the middle of the....sea. Embracing the freedom. Haha First time seeing living starfish. Me with Cik Dyn..ready for games. This was the original BP beach. See how far it was to go to the nearest island over there.  My team got 3rd place. And I got the most sporting and happening participant. Wakakaka Ok a sneak peak into our annual dinner. Quite grand la..everyone giving their best to look nice that night. :) And the beautiful Saturday ended. Fuuhh best best.

Short Vacay in KL

Hubby and I  went on short trip to KL on 13th - 15th March. But actually hubby was already in KL for work from 10th March so I was only followed him there on 13th. It was very short and tiring vacation but we still enjoyed the moment so much.. It was my first time arrived at Klia2, it was quite spacious but I still can find direction easily as there were enough signboards to follow.  I went directly to 1 Utama via Skybus. It took me about an hour to reach there. I went here for dinner with my sister who worked at The Curve. This kafe is located at Ikano (IPC), just opposite the The Curve building. Creative menus' book. I ordered the Traditional Mien Fen Guo. and drink the soy milk as I felt gastric was attacking :( My food! It was tasty enough, licin juga la sa makan. Hoho This was my sister's. If not mistaken, it was dried...mien. Cant recall the exact name. The sauce was perfect! After dinne...