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Showing posts from April, 2015

Blessing in Disguise?

I love Trip Advisor. Thus I always do reviews on the places i've been to either it was good or so-so like this one.  Remember my post  1week Sabah tour  few months ago? It was in Semporna, formerly known as Tampi-Tampi Resort but now it was Scuba Tig3r...I didnt say much about the resort in that post but I wrote quite 'honest' review on the Trip Advisor website.. So here it was... Unsurprisingly (though I didnt expect them to reply), I got their reply... So shud I go? This time can bring my hubby also..haha P/S: There was quite recent review on the resort and the reviewer gave 5 star..which means the service there might has improved a lot. So if any of you wanna go, please go without hesitation..I might go again, one day..but maybe dont want to use this privilege bcos I wanna experience their improved services without them knowing who i am. And then I will give another review, that time should be better. Hopefully. :)


Teringin mau cakap-cakap ja ni. Tiada juga tajuk khas, tidak juga mau merepek la. Mau keluarkan idea-idea yang terkumpul dalam kepala ja. Sa sangat-sangat berminat mau buat investment ni. 1st terfikir mau invest in property, meaning to say in conventional way iaitu beli apartment lepas tu kasi sewa. Fikir apartment ja dulu sebab itu ja paling murah..kalau mau beli commercial lot mau juta juga tu..mana mau cari deposit ratus-ratus ribu..ngerrr..setakat ni sa tuntut ilmu melalui blog  ja..ada juga dia punya online courses 'Property Method' tapi mau enroll kena byar jadi sa ikut yg free dulu la..lagipun sa pasti hubby familiar juga pasal ni cuma dalam 3 tahun ni mau clear debts dulu..jadi tunggu dulu la..lepas dapat invest conventionally mungkin baru fikir pasal invest bukan mau kaya ba ni, cuma preparing utk retirement yg agak selesa..God will surely open the way! :) Sekarang ni famous betul tu kedai boxes, maksudnya owner kedai sediakan ruang almar...