I love Trip Advisor. Thus I always do reviews on the places i've been to either it was good or so-so like this one. Remember my post 1week Sabah tour few months ago? It was in Semporna, formerly known as Tampi-Tampi Resort but now it was Scuba Tig3r...I didnt say much about the resort in that post but I wrote quite 'honest' review on the Trip Advisor website.. So here it was... Unsurprisingly (though I didnt expect them to reply), I got their reply... So shud I go? This time can bring my hubby also..haha P/S: There was quite recent review on the resort and the reviewer gave 5 star..which means the service there might has improved a lot. So if any of you wanna go, please go without hesitation..I might go again, one day..but maybe dont want to use this privilege bcos I wanna experience their improved services without them knowing who i am. And then I will give another review, that time should be better. Hopefully. :)
The walk of my life, business, family.