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The day before Christmas

It is 23 Dec today. But I am still working. And this year we will celebrate Christmas in KK..which means less celebrations, less preparations  and less church activities. Cant even join or entertain Christmas carols because my family in law (husband included) are Chinese-new-year people. But this year got little improvement because I have bought a Christmas tree and father-in-law bought the lamp.

I really missed the Christmas celebrations in kampung. Usually as early as early December there will be many plans to celebrate Christmas, either church ones, families etc. Its a busy month but the most exciting and blessed month because its a special month to give. Many presents to prepare, prayer meetings to attend, Christmas carols practices and so on. 

Prior to Christmas day, there will be short seminar which topic is usually related to Christmas. During that time, members will cook and eat together at church so no one will miss the seminar sessions. In between the sessions, musicians and singers usually take chance to practice for worship during Christmas. Normally its because they just got back for holiday.

So people in town usually take 1 week holiday to fully celebrate Christmas with family and friends at kampung. Until 2012, I was still one of them...

Last 2013, we went back on 24th and after service on Christmas day, we came back to KK. I still had my leave back then but my husband need to work on 26th so...what to do..

This year I got complimentary leave from 24th to 27th Dec..But because we attend two churches in KK now, we decided to attend the Christmas eve in my church while 25th in his church. 26th will go back kampung to spend the time with family members. I am thinking of celebrating new year in kampung...but that's not my decision to make..

It is ok long as I know, understand and believe in the true meaning of Christmas..celebrating it anywhere will be just exciting.. 


MERRY CHRISTMAS! May the gracious Lord bless you and gives you joy till the end of time.



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