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The Queen's Classroom (Korean Drama)

My first review. I don't know if I convey this review well but I was so overwhelmed with the story thus prompted me to write one. 

I have watched many good drama but this one was spectacular.

The Queen's Classroom was basically a story about a teacher and 6th grade class in a public elementary  school. What makes the drama interesting was that the teacher was 'evil' which put her students into many unfavorable relationships and situations.

Teacher Ma Yeo Jin was a mysterious woman who teach her students strictly both physically and mentally. She gave test on first day of school and divide the students by their scores. The top scorer will get highest privilege such as choosing their own seat & locker and was excluded from any class  chores. Meanwhile, the lowest scorer became the class president which carries the task of classroom cleaning, distributing lunches and other chores that the class was scheduled to. In this drama, the class presidents were Shim Ha Na and Oh Dong Gu. They were the main character which always rebel on the evil teacher thus giving them very hard times to the point that they want to quit school.

Along the way, the teacher makes each of the students faced their own life issues either lesson related, family and personal. Each time the process was so painful that some of the students react in a big way. For instance, after betraying Shim Ha Na who was also her bestfriend, Go Na Ri (The school top sponsor's daughter) was threatened by Teacher Ma Yeo Jin to be her spy on the other students, otherwise she will report Go Na Ri to the school and her family. She agreed at first. However, being over stressed and almost losing her consciousness, she expressed her anger and frustration towards Shim Ha Na thus spitted out all her bad deeds without realizing that the whole class was listening. As it turns out, Go Na Ri went to the school, put gasoline on the whole class and threatened to burn the whole school down. Upon arrival of teacher Ma, Go Na Ri attack her with a knife but the teacher took it on with her hand. That was the moment when Go Na Ri was freed from her world of selfishness and arrogance.

Eventually, the whole class unite into a sole purpose - to rebel against Teacher Ma's ways of teaching. However, they were only going to understand that everything the teacher has done was for their own benefits; there was neither loner nor friends' mockers anymore, no jealousy nor selfishness either, because they learnt how to build each other up with sincere hearts. They studied well and their class was the best scorer in the school, as well as well-disciplined students. Teacher Ma also makes them able to realize their dreams and make their parents understand on paths they want to take.

Everything Teacher Ma was teaching them was the truth and real situations of REAL LIFE, which adults like parents often hide from their children. Thus being a teacher, she need to guide them on making right decisions right from young age so they will know which path to take when they come into many paths later in life. Wow. 

So, it was a beautiful ending isn't? But there was an incident happened to Teacher Ma. But that one I wont tell. Please watch the drama to find out. :)

"Do the best in everything you can. It's okay to make mistakes. It's okay to fail. If you do your best today, you will find yourself, and you'll see tomorrow's dream. " - Ma Yeo Jin (The Queen's Classroom)


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