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Mysterious Missing of MH370

We might never understand why such thing happened..even we dont know which way is the wind from, nor we know which way it will go..we dont know our tomorrow..we will never know..
As for this mysterious missing of MH370, we can only pray earnestly with FAITH so the SAR team will search and rescue the victims..only God knows where are they right now (almost 2 days from the time of missing)..and to God we ask for help, guidance and wisdom so they will be found as soon as possible..and on top of that,we pray that they're safe somewhere, alive and well..
It break our hearts to see the families of the victims crying non-stop over despair,afraid of the worst possibility..our hearts goes to them, may God give them comfort and strength through this situations..

We can see the timeline below..

Timeline of Events for Missing Malaysia Airlines Jet

A Malaysia Airlines flight carrying 239 people lost contact with air traffic control and was still missing many hours after it had been scheduled to land in Beijing. Here is a timeline:
12:41 a.m. -- The Boeing 777-200 -- carrying 227 passengers from 14 countries along with 12 crew members -- takes off from Kuala Lumpur.
2:40 a.m. -- Air traffic control in Subang, a suburb of Kuala Lumpur, loses contact with the plane about two hours after takeoff. According to the Vietnamese military officials, the plane was just about to enter Vietnam's airspace when its communications systems went silent.
6:30 a.m. Saturday -- The flight is scheduled to land in Beijing.
7:24 a.m. -- Malaysia Airlines announces it had lost contact five hours earlier with the flight.
11:14 a.m. -- Malaysia Airlines holds a news conference confirming the loss of contact with its aircraft. Four Americans, including an infant, were aboard, a spokesman said. "Our focus now is to work with the emergency responders and authorities and mobilize its full support," he added. Most of the passengers — 153, including one of the infants — were Chinese, the airline said Saturday. The other infant was an American, one of four on the plane. Thirty-eight people were from Malaysia, and 12 were from Indonesia.
(All times are local, Eastern Standard Time plus 13 hours.)

Personnel from the Republic of Singapore Airforce scanning the seas about 140 nautical miles northeast of Kota Bahru, Kelantan, for any signs of the missing Malaysian Airlines plane. The RSAF deloyed a C-130 with 18 crew members on board to help search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 over the South China Sea. -- ST PHOTO: DESMOND LIM

source: Here

We are thankful for all the SAR teams regardless of races, beliefs, countries and politics..we pray that their mission will be successful and they too will be back safe and sound..


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