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Showing posts from June, 2016

Throwback: Hospital Story Part III

So the next morning the balloon was inserted into mine. It was PAINFUL. huhuhu..But I resist the pain and ensure to not let out even a hissed. There were few contractions afterwards but very slow. I was mostly lying down at that time. At that time I already having blood discharge but was told to not worry. To cut the story short, after 24 hours a doctor came again and check my opening. The result was negative. No opening at all. So the doctors decided to induce me with medicine. They said kasi masuk ubat. Also the ubat can be inserted twice for labor induction. At that point, husband and family were wondering if I could undergo c-sec already. But me myself still thinking of having normal delivery. I walked a lot during that second induction to trigger contractions until I almost fainted one time. Fortunately my husband was with me. So after 24 hours of the second induction, my water broke and the opening was 2cm. I started having light brown discharge and after telling the doctor-in-...

Throwback: Hospital Story Part II

The ambulance reached Hosp Likas's ER about 8pm. My PIL & husband's aunty (a retired nurse at hosp Likas) were already there. But I can only waved at them. Lain pula rasa tu kena sorong masuk ER. lol My bp was checked previous times. Sometimes it was stable, sometimes higher. After about 15mins (or more), I was sent to Assesment Room at 1st floor where I was given the pink hospital uniform. I was still feeling good, somehow excited because sooner I will see our baby. It all started in the super cold room. I was there for hours -_-.. Couldn't remember the actual period but it seems forever. Whenever I could, I went out to check my husband bcos it was super cold and he was only wearing seluar pendek! I started feeling nervous when I first stepped into the room's toilet and saw blood on the floor or on the toilet seat. Seeing some women who were in pain was making me nervous as well. On the other hand, I was in no pain whatsoever, bcos I was there 1 month early. ...

Throwback: Hospital Story Part I

I was diagnosed with PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) during my 34w of pregnancy. I still remember Dr John Teo's face when he took my bp that day. He took it for about 3x and then do ultrasound. Baby was ok so he gave me appointment every two days. Before that my appointment was every two weeks and would be weekly upon nearing my due date but because of that PIH I need to come every two days. Long story short,  two days become daily. And then when I was about 35w4d, the doctor told me to admit to hospital. We chose Rafflesia Medical Centre (RMC) to deliver the baby so that evening we pack everything in a rush and I took complete bath; I mean complete because I washed my hair. During confinement I wont be able to wash my hair so.... It was during CNY week.  So there I was, lying on RMC's bed with all the bp machine attached to my body. My hubby came wearing long sleeve shirt and short pants bcos the aircond wasnt so cold, and brought me dinner.  Everyt...

Throwback: Hospital Story Part I

I was diagnosed with PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) during my 34w of pregnancy. I still remember Dr John Teo's face when he took my bp that day. He took it for about 3x and then do ultrasound. Baby was ok so he gave me appointment every two days. Before that my appointment was every two weeks and would be weekly upon nearing my due date but because of that PIH I need to come every two days. Long story short,  two days become daily. And then when I was about 35w4d, the doctor told me to admit to hospital. We chose Rafflesia Medical Centre (RMC) to deliver the baby so that evening we pack everything in a rush and I took complete bath; I mean complete because I washed my hair. During confinement I wont be able to wash my hair so.... It was during CNY week.  So there I was, lying on RMC's bed with all the bp machine attached to my body. My hubby came wearing long sleeve shirt and short pants bcos the aircond wasnt so cold, and brought me dinner.  Everyt...

2016 Updates

Hey Blog! This is my first post after soooo long. So my update is I already delivered my baby boy on 24.02.16 and already back to work for about 2 weeks now. I think my priority has changed. More mature I hope. There are so many bittersweet things happened within this period. Ok enough of the serious tone! I am still at work now and is missing my baby sooo much. We named him Keane Wong Khin Yi @ Kinkin @ Yiyi . My father call him Arig-Arig . Dont know what thats mean but it is a dusunic word. I am a bf mother so I eat whatever I want (hehehee) that is nutritious to baby (I hope!) or so my stomach is full. Well pumping/bf is tiring and takes calories so need to eat a lot. I am far from dieting now, so my previous clothes before preggy aren't fit yet. Tidak apa la ba tuuu. Nanti baby besar sikit bulihla berabis menguruskan badan. Kikikiki