So the next morning the balloon was inserted into mine. It was PAINFUL. huhuhu..But I resist the pain and ensure to not let out even a hissed. There were few contractions afterwards but very slow. I was mostly lying down at that time. At that time I already having blood discharge but was told to not worry.
To cut the story short, after 24 hours a doctor came again and check my opening. The result was negative. No opening at all. So the doctors decided to induce me with medicine. They said kasi masuk ubat. Also the ubat can be inserted twice for labor induction. At that point, husband and family were wondering if I could undergo c-sec already. But me myself still thinking of having normal delivery. I walked a lot during that second induction to trigger contractions until I almost fainted one time. Fortunately my husband was with me.
So after 24 hours of the second induction, my water broke and the opening was 2cm. I started having light brown discharge and after telling the doctor-in-charge, she checked and poohhh..the light brown discharge keluar dengan banyaknya. She called a specialist and they told me that it was the sign of my baby already pooping inside. The opening was already 4cm so I was sent to the labor room. I remembered it was around 6pm++ on 24th Feb.
While being pushed into the labor room, I saw my parents, husband and parents in law outside. I was overwhelmed. I really want my husband to accompany me in the labor room but since we didnt manage to attend the prenatal course, I thought husband wasnt allowed to enter. Turned out BOLEH JUGA. Huhuhu
My cousin Dr. Ann came and spoke with me for a while, while I was induced with water to further accelerate the contractions. I wanted to pee-pee all the time, so a nurse inserted a tube. Dia cakap tidak sakit, tapi sakitt juga pun. But only a while la. Then they asked what kind of painkiller I want to use. I said to wait, because I was still feeling ok.
I regretted my decision to wait. As time passed, I was left alone in the labor room while the contractions getting stronger. It was like my bottom gonna explode so I keep pusing kiri pusing kanan to ease the pain. The curtain was closed also ( I requested it to be closed before bcos I was peeing) so I couldnt call the nurse outside.
Then a doctor came in to check my bp. It was going up. I asked him for painkiller so he went outside to call the nurse in charge. To my frustration, he wasnt back until about 10-15mins. That time also only to check my bp. When I asked for painkiller, he said "Eh, belum kena bagi ka?"
I was burning inside. Yala sakit ba tu tapi nurse in charge tiada attend langsung pula. My bp was up until 200 (above) and I started pening-pening, mata kabur & felt like going to passed out. One doctor checked my bp using the manual machine while another doctor checked my opening but still 4 cm so with a very serious tone they called specialist for emergency caesarean. At the same time also the nurse in-charge gave me injection on my leg.
I heard before that induced labor was much more painful than normal one, now I understand. Upon hearing to czer, I was quite relieved. My energy and strength almost finished already.
One of the doctor asked if I need anything and I said "Panggil suami saya". He was the only one I thought at the time. But actually they already called him. They told him about me going to emergency czer and signed docs bla bla bla. Before he went out I get a kissed on my forehead. Quite enough for my boost of mental strength.
Then I was pushed into the caesarean room upstairs. Change beds, signed documents etc. With so much in pain that I can endure, I was given epidural injections on both side of my lower back. They put an oxygen hose into my nose and then slowly I slept.....