I was diagnosed with PIH (pregnancy induced hypertension) during my 34w of pregnancy. I still remember Dr John Teo's face when he took my bp that day. He took it for about 3x and then do ultrasound. Baby was ok so he gave me appointment every two days. Before that my appointment was every two weeks and would be weekly upon nearing my due date but because of that PIH I need to come every two days.
Long story short, two days become daily. And then when I was about 35w4d, the doctor told me to admit to hospital. We chose Rafflesia Medical Centre (RMC) to deliver the baby so that evening we pack everything in a rush and I took complete bath; I mean complete because I washed my hair. During confinement I wont be able to wash my hair so....
It was during CNY week.
So there I was, lying on RMC's bed with all the bp machine attached to my body. My hubby came wearing long sleeve shirt and short pants bcos the aircond wasnt so cold, and brought me dinner.
Everything was fine. The nurses came and took my bp and check baby's heartbeat. After about 3-4hrs, the nurses started panicking bcos my bp was not reducing. I was already on 3 kinds of medicine for high bp with the maximum dose available. So they called Dr John and prohibit me from going to toilet by myself. They told me to stay calm and not stressed out but I feel totally fine. Hmmmm
So Dr John came and after checking my bp several times, he said this.
" Kmu punya bp tidak pandai stable jadi kamu kena deliver cepat. Tapi RMC kurang facility untuk kes macam ni, so u need to be admitted to Hosp Likas. Kena compromise la sebab hosp Likas sana facility complete..bla bla bla"
After thorough discussions with my husband (in Mandarin), we agreed to be transferred.
They called an ambulance and sorong me with wheelchair. I want to walk but free-free kena scolded.
First time naik ambulance. Haha..I was lying down the whole journey with my hubby sitting beside me holding my hand. :)
I was feeling fine. Totally fine. But that would change.